15 Best Active directory Powershell scripts -You need to have
I have comprised some of the best Active Directory Powershell scripts below which will surely save your time and work. Managing the domain is the work of Active Directory and understanding each and every content is a must. Active Directory comprises users, groups, etc. Creating a user in a domain or retaining the user in the domain is the job of the windows administrator.
While I have worked for so many years, I came across many challenges as a windows administrator it is sometimes not easy to create a set of users or groups within your domain. It requires to be automated so that it saves time.
Customers all around always aim for fast and steady work as their aim is to always save time and earn profit. I was a Windows administrator who has worked hard to gather the required info on Powershell by reading books and e-books. These come at in very cheap cost and easy to understand.
Powershell was a fine step towards automating things that can be achieved easily. I have explained more about this in my blogs if you wish to check them then check them out. Pasting few books which can be referred to and which I have gone through are listed below. In this, I have created scripts that fetch Active directory user reports, computers, etc.
In my ongoing career, I have successfully created many scripts so that they ease my work and fetch me time to work on something else. Most of them are user-related as they play a critical role and some are for groups.
AD User Recovery
Recover deleted user from Domain controller. We face many issues while AD cleanup we sometimes delete AD users ad it created havoc among us. Providing the solution for the necessity here it goes.
How it works: The deleted user is usually found under the AD recycle bin and for this case, it should be enabled. If it is enabled there is a fair chance we can get back to the User without any loss in info.
Probable outcome: After you run this script do a search for the user in dsa.msc and it should be back without any info loss. This script is very handy and I wish to have it rather than doing with GUI.
Download: You can download the script via the highlighted link. Do let me know if you face any issues so that I can create a video for reference.
For more Powershell scripts click here