Managing DNS using PowerShell
A complete guide in short

Another main part of Active Directory is DNS. If you are a windows server administrator you are well aware how it works but managing and automating with PowerShell is somewhat is difficult when it comes to create one without knowing what the command will actually do.
DNS plays a crucial role in an organization which really needs a sneak peek so that it works well without any issue. In our field creating a DNS record for a server or workstation looks easy by GUI but when it comes to create some n number of DNS record at a time it becomes difficult. From creating the record and pointing it to correct IP becomes challenging. But I have accepted the challenge and created few relatable scripts which I have optimized to run without ay clutters. If you like this section then you will surely like the DHCP powershell scripts as well as my repository of powershell scripts.
Well what starts good ends good and below are some examples of it. From restoring DNS server to creating zones in the DNS I have done it all. Below are some books which you can refer if you are opting to learn about DNS or powershell. Below are my best available DNS Powershell scripts you don’t want to miss.
Restore DNS Zone
Creation of zone is made easier in Powershell with a simple command no need to go the dnsmgmt.msc to create a new required zone
How it works
The script will search for the backup in the backup folder and search for the zone specified which ca be restored.
Probable outcome
If you have provided everything correct the DNS zone should be back with th latest backup.
You can download the script from below.
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