Send-mailmessage: Learn in 4 Easy Steps

In this post let’s understand how send-mailmessage works step-by-step. Send-mailmessage with multiple recipients sometimes become hectic as we make some silly mistake. I too had made a very common mistake which I will discuss in this post, Make sure you don’t miss the ending.
Send-mailmessage : The working
If you have followed me for a long then you may have seen many scripts which are having send-mailmessage. So let’s understand what exactly is send-mailmessage.
Send-mailmessage is used to send email in Powershell. It generally uses SMTP(Simple mail transfer Protocol) server to send mail. Sending mail becomes too easy with this. Let’s check out the parameters we can use with this.
Parameters: Source Microsoft
Send-mailmessage: Multiple recipients
Take a scenario, you need to schedule a task using Powershell and results should be sent via mail to multiple recipients which sometimes makes it more difficult because it gives an error or it is not sent to one of the recipients. Let’s take a look at how do we achieve sending mail to multiple recipients.
$recipients = '',''
send-mailaddress -from '' -to $recipients -smtpserver 'smtpservername'
The above code will work if you provide the correct SMTP server name or IP address. So make sure you fill it correctly.
Send-mailmessage: SMTPserver
From above it should be clear now that we need the SMTP server name or IP address to send mail. But sometimes the default port 25 is not used by SMTP and can vary in a different environment. For this purpose, we use -port parameter in which we can specify the port number which our SMTP server use.
send-mailaddress -from '' -to $recipients -smtpserver 'smtpservername' -port 440
Send-mailmessage: Body and BodyAsHtml
Ever had an urgency to send an HTML report and the HTML report should be shown in the mail itself then we need to use -body , -bodyashtml parameters. Let’s check out how we actually use them. Also -bodyashtml should be mentioned after -body or else you will encounter an error.
send-mailaddress -from '' -to $recipients -smtpserver 'smtpservername' -body "some html output" -bodyashtml
Send-mailmessage: Attachments
Maybe you decided to send the HTML report fetched as an attachment in the mail. Then -attachments parameter can be used to complete this task. Just we need to provide the location of the output file and it will be attached to the mail.
send-mailaddress -from '' -to $recipients -smtpserver 'smtpservername' -attachments "path"
Send-mailmessage: The other way to use
Don’t get tricked by this as there is another effective way of sending mail and I am gonna share it with you. It needs to create an object so stay sharp and check it out. As it is self-explanatory as well.
$smtpServer = "server name or IP"
$smtp = New-Object Net.Mail.SmtpClient($smtpServer)
$msg = New-Object Net.Mail.MailMessage
$msg.From = ""
$msg.Subject = "Random subject name"
$msg.IsBodyHTML = $true
$msg.Body = get-content "path"
$body = ""
Let’s be fair you didn’t know about the other way to send email using Powershell. I hope this whole post has filled some gaps in your understanding of this topic. I wish to see you very soon with a new interesting post. If you are not subscribed to this website you are missing a lot of interesting concepts. Feel free to comment down below and let me know if you have any issues.